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Forcing cones and porting
Posted by Tony
Just bought a new 686 Silver Pigeon field grade O/U shotgun. Does anyone have experience with the length of the forcing cones on this gun. I can't decide whether I should have the forcing cones lengthened to reduce recoil and improve patterns. Also the idea of porting by Magna-Port in a single row on the bottom barrel seems like a good idea to reduce muzzle jump for better target acquisition on the second shot on doubles. I wonder why a manufacturer like Beretta has not lenghtened the cone on all shotguns if it does make a difference. They are now doing it on their sporting models and I wonder if they are doing it just to sell more shotguns because of all the demand. In other words, does it really make a difference or is it just a lot of hype? I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks
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